CRISIS is "a breakthrough period, decisive, manifesting itself usually in a significant worsening of situation in a certain area, a breakdown period" (disintegration) evoked by a misfortune, most frequently a sudden one, tragic, unforeseen, which causes disorganisation in the psyche and life. Crisis events are such as e.g. road accident, loss of job, death of a close person, beating, family violence, sometimes also educational difficulties, marital or family problems, etc. The causes of crisis could also be a long lasting stress with which we are not able to cope.
Most often in such cases people activate their own resources and abilities of coping with difficult situation and bring it under control. If it is possible they use help of their close friends and relatives, support of family. Sometimes however it happens that disintegration caused by a crisis situation is so deep or the person's own capabilities are so limited or exhausted that an outside help is necessary. Such help is required especially in such cases when the crisis has reached its acute stage.
Support is given in order to help the person/family to recover their own capabilities and psychological resources to cope with difficult situations and to facilitate better functioning in their own social environment. The earlier such help can be provided, should it turn to be necessary, the easier will be the return to psychical balance and proper social functioning. Sometimes to make such return possible it is necessary to undertake and perform far-reaching changes in the life of such a person (e.g. removal of the violent person from the house, undertaking of medical treatment, getting new job).